~ Horse Wisdom ~

Horses are such good friends
To all who will give time...
They've so much love to impart...
It rooted in this heart of mine.

Think of all the mysteries they see...
To them, it's just a day...
They see all the deer and bunnies
Each dawn as they scamper and play.

It's amazing how they're made,
So strong, yet loving, too...
They can give a gentle nuzzle,
Yet, carry me or you.

They listen with such interest,
As I talk to them each day,
Telling them all my hopes and dreams,
As they graze upon their hay.

Softly neighing a welcome,
They speak to me each dawn...
They gently impart wisdom,
And I feel that I "belong".

They often silently beacon me
To come hither to their presence,
And there I find the love of God,
In each of their blessed essence.

They crunch and munch their sweet feed,
And look at me thru eyes
That hold the wisdom of ages,
Where peacefulness abides.

God bless the beautiful horses,
That he made for us to love,
Give them more than just a glance,
And send a prayer of thanks above.

Denise Lanford
© 2004 used with permission


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