~ I  Am  Cherokee ~
Half  Breed 
Hey Half Breed 
They yelled you're a Injun
We tried to kill off your seed
Those hateful words I heard
growing up in a white world
Just a child with a few kin
I didn't know where I came from
Mom always said hush -it don't matter none
Pay them no mind ,they're just being unkind
I managed to grow up and learned
That it did matter a lot, not just some
I learned I am descended from the
First Peoples and we are Earth Keepers
Now I know why my heart is free
and the heart drums I hear are a part of me
History books  never...
taught me things I know instinctively
It is the blood that flows in my veins
That let me see what is hidden from view
Others look but they have no clue
Always  knew I was different but didn't know
that I should be proud
Years have passed since childhood taunting
It has been a long journey to find all of me
But I found a thread and followed it
back through history
And now I tell you who I am
I am Cherokee

Bonnie Ray
© 2004  used with permission

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