Oh no, what is this mess I see ...
and doggie eyes saying "it wasn't me"
Look at that innocent face
see any guilt, nope not a trace

He may act like he feels shame ...
but then he's right back to his game
He's been chewing everything up
since he was just a wee pup ...

I'm barefoot and singing the blues
'cause he's chewed up all my shoes
I'm down to chewed up jeans and tees
Does he do this just to tease ...?

I'm seeing more stars and sunshine
'cause he's torn down all the window blinds
He does love me and tries to please
but oh my gosh, now he's given me fleas!

I put him the yard out back
then he comes in with muddy tracks
As soon as I've mopped and swept
There's big paw prints where he's stepped!

I tried different types of discipline
but I just can't seem to win ...
He out smarts and cannot be foiled
could it be he's a bit spoiled ...

Everything's covered in dog hairs
he's torn stuffing from the sofa and chairs
Books, clothes, CDs, he's chewed them
Yep, the destructo boxer, that's him!

Surviving destruction is how I live
But there's so much his heart gives
Fun and laughter among many things
But the greatest is the love he brings ...

Always at my side standing by
He's there if I laugh or cry ...
Whatever my burden or  care
His heart is always there to share

When he puts his paw on my knee
and those doggy eyes look up at me
His antics and mischief cannot sever
the love that binds us together ...

Ohhh Nooo ... what am I to do?
He's chewed up another shoe ...

Barbara LaBarbera © 2004
*Dedicated with love
to Gunther man, my destructo boxer

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