~ Journey With A Friend ~

Into your life
comes a special friend...
So loving and caring...

Open your heart, and let them in.
Give them your love, and
keep them forever in your heart.
Hold them close,
but set them free to grow...

And if by chance
their journey calls them
into a different direction.
Keep them deep
within your heart.

And if it's meant to be,
your paths will cross again.
And friends forever you will be.

Just put your faith in God.
For he's the one with the plans.
God has a plan
for each one of us, you know.
And we must all follow his plan,
in order to receive
all the benefits he has to offer.

The journey he has given each one of us,
is for reasons unknown,
until the day he calls us home.

But, until that day
he calls us home,
together in life we shall walk,
hand in hand, heart to heart,
friend to friend....you & I.

Thank you my friend,
for sharing
the friendship of a life time.

Donna Minnick
for my friend, Denise

Oct. 2003 used with permission


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