Tooth Fairy



Letter from the Tooth Fairy

Hello Sweetie:
I must tell you, it really does make me smile
That baby teeth are only kept a short while
For if from your mouth they didn't fall
I wouldn't have a job at all
You see, I keep very busy at night
From house to house in very quick flight
to collect all the teeth that are freed
from the mouth and the gums, from which they bleed
I came to your house two nights in a row
That doesn't happen too often, as you probably know
I felt very special to visit two nights
but when I looked closer, it wasn't quite right
Both teeth in a crevice, a little dark spot
I blinked my eyes twice, to pretend it was not
But it was and I knew it, a cavity you see
That doesn't bring pleasure to you or to me
For if you had kept that tooth a bit more
You would have needed a filling, your mouth would be sore
The beautiful crown of your tooth would be broken
You would feel very sad, no words need be spoken
For you and your family, your parents work hard
to give you a nice home, meals and a yard
They want you to brush your teeth twice a day
at least, if not more, so very healthy they'll stay
You have a beautiful smile, as white as can be
So please brush your teeth and keep them for me
Free from cavities, plaque and other bad stuff
So a trip to the dentist won't be so rough
And the teeth that you leave for me, you will see
Will glisten like pearls most beautifully
So remember to keep them healthy and free from decay
and you and your family will have a good day!
Keep them brushed, count to twenty when brushing each section
I'll be proud of you and look upon you with the most affection
So until next time when you leave me your treasure
I'll leave one for you, which will give you great pleasure
The tooth Fairy

written by Micki Bailey©
used with permission


Tooth Fairy


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