~ Love Basket ~

I sat upon the grass to make a gift of love
Weaving each reed with the most tender care
And as it began to take shape I said a prayer
Sweet Father above...

Please help me fill this basket with love
It is to be given to a precious friend
One that I know you sent from above
Who has given to me without end

Let the beauty of life shine through
Please let's place a gift of healing in it to
A piece of my heart and a lot of faith
Some kindness of words and many a thank you

As we near the rim let's fill it with
Hope ..Joy and Peace and a dash of wisdom
Borrowed from your heavenly Kingdom
Now it is finished...and so to you my dear friend

I give you this basket woven from my heart
Notice it has no beginning or end

Bonnie Ray
© 2004 used with permission

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