Quiet summer moments
Dreamy days,
To pause away from the hustle and bustle
Just to sit and ponder
In the solitude apart,
Where I so softly pray
Gently with my Lord Jesus
For His peace to flood my soul.
Breathing Him in
Exhaling His love,
Desiring to be whole.
Listening to all He may say
How He would have me be,
Filled with Himself
That His life shall flow forth
As a healing stream,
His heart
Of precious secrets
now opening
Unfolding, unfurling
Exploding the more.
Oh, I so would like you to come,
together to chat, and bubble over with joy
in my lush oasis
safe and warm.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2004 used with permission


For God Himself works in our souls, in their deepest depths,
taking increasing control as we are progressively willing
to be prepared for His wonder.
~Thomas R. Kelly~


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