~ Misunderstood ~
Why is it some things are misconstrued
Why do some people always take things the wrong way
They destroy the words you speak from your heart
And rearrange the meaning of what you say.

I see this happen all the time
With strangers and even my family
No matter what you say they're ready to attack
Sometimes I wonder if it could be jealousy.
Negativity seems to play a part
In why they feel so cheated
So they attack their friends, their brothers and sisters
And complain about always being defeated.
No matter how often you try to explain
Try to help them to see things differently
They become so upset and start yelling at you
And rip you apart so viciously.
Makes no difference if it's their sister
The love has been replaced with hate
They'll continue down this long darkened path
Such is their lot with fate.
© May 11, 2004
used withpermission

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