Our son, the delight of my life
Since the moment of his birth,
When I cried,
Oh it is a boy
A jewel of lasting worth.
Such a joy to cuddle
That "love me" twinkle in his little eye,
So I held him close
Until he was strong enough to up
And say goodbye.
A growing boy needs so much love
For his softness to mature,
To develop the depth of strength needed
as a man
To make others feel secure.
As a tiny guy he kept me near
Now I watch with joyous pride,
With my own special memories
A glowing smile,
tucked down deep inside.
I'm glad for all God engineered
To mould the man you are today,
In the struggles and adventures
To grow the miracle of faith within
For the character you display.
Go forth now with my love
Go forth with my prayer,
I adore you now and always will
Go forth,
Safe forever in God's care.

Soft Whispers for my son from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2004 used with permission


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