~ A New Kind Of Resolution ~
Have you made your New Year's Resolution
Is it the same as the one last year?
I bet I can guess just what it is
If you're like me - IT'S EXERCISE GEAR!
So let's do something different this year
Let's make a special kind of resolution
Let's pledge to help the needy and poor
It's a small step towards a solution.
We can also vow to donate our time
Be a big brother to a fatherless boy
Treat him as you would your own son
Let him know the meaning of joy.
Visit the elderly in a nearby nursing home
Show them that someone is always there
They have so many stories to tell
Won't you listen and show them you care?
I can guarantee you your life will change
You'll have new meaning where there was none before
Be the person God intended you to be
He'll be there to welcome you at his door.

Chee Chee Martin
© 2003 used with permission


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