~ Pathways Of The Soul ~

The depth of kindness in your heart
astounds my very spirit...
(life has never passed you by,
it warmed as you came near it)

The boulders that you moved aside,
or sometimes walked around,
made life for others easier,
as they watched you, they found...

that life can be so magical,
if we but only SEE...
that happiness inside each one,
is waiting, just to BE.

Your introspective manner
makes me wonder what's inside,...
I suspect the volume there
would fill spaces vast and wide...

The world is a much kinder place,
cause your moccasins imprinted grass,
on trails of which no other
would have thought that way to pass...

so, on these pathways of your soul,
just take the time to see,
that you have trod where most would fear,
and you are blessed as you can be!

Denise Lanford
© 2003 used with permission

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