~ The Prayers of a Friend ~

You've never left me alone,
You always were so near,
Standing there beside me,
Praying through the years.

You never once forgot me,
While I went my wayward way…
You stood aside, not judging,
But always you would pray.

You prayed for my hearts healing,
Beseeching Heaven's ears,
You prayed me though my struggles
You prayed me though my tears.

You prayed and unleashed power,
Though silent and unseen,
That transformed my knotted soul
Into one that's more serene…

Your prayers still see me through,
They never are in vain,
They shine a Light that guides me…
Forever Heaven's Flame…

For my prayer warriors...
Thank you with all my heart...

Sharon Frye
© 2003 used with permission
Heroes Of The Heart

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