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~ Shadow Wolf ~

Walking a shadowy path of his own
His wild wolf's heart is so alone ...
He howls alone at the moon's misty light
His cries pierce the cold still night ...

His loyal mate was taken
and his heart is so forsaken
He lays his tired body down
on a cold lonely ground

In his spirit's eyes, tears fill
but off on a distant hill ...
A young she wolf looks to the skies
Ears perked, she hears his cries

Her feet races the ground
following Shadow wolf's sound
Faster, faster, go her feet
faster, faster goes her heart beat

Her search is almost at an end
as she flies on the wind
She sniffs the cold night air
of his scent, she's made aware

At last she wolf finds him
Soft wind caresses them
She gently licks the tears from his face
Their hearts held in nature's embrace

As he nuzzles her with his jaws
she lays her head across his paws
Nestled together in each other's warm furs
love and protection is now hers

Now through the darkness of night
they howl together at the moon's light
Blessed by The Creator to always be ...
They run the wind free

Through summer's warmth or winter's snows
She follows him where ever he goes
Their loyal hearts locked together
They will be soul mates forever ...

Barbara LaBarbera
 © 2004 used with permission

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