~ Soldier's Having Christmas In Iraq ~
In the desert far away from home
There is sand like you have never known
Soldiers sleeping in the dust, it has become a must
They lay down their lives for you and I
They never ask the question why.
Soldiers having Christmas in Iraq
Where most of the people do not understand our ways
Most believe we do them wrong,
On Christmas Eve we American's stay strong
Our soldiers sing our favorite song
Life in Iraq must still go on,
Their wives and little children
Wish Daddy comes home soon.
A feast for a king,
Is what we serve on Christmas Day
While our soldiers, fight in a hot desert,
In the name of freedom, far away.
Peace on earth, good will to men,
Please Lord let this war soon end,
They do not shed a tear
They never break down
They thank God for keeping their family
 safe and sound.
Soldiers having Christmas in Iraq,
With the taste of sand upon their lips
They fight for our freedom,
Let us hope they can make it stick.
I am proud of our soldiers, for they do
Only what they believe in
I believe in them too.
The United States soldiers
are having Christmas far away
I pray they will be with us, 
Next year on Christmas Day. 
Do you remember me
The people's poet
"A single grateful thought raised to heaven
is the most perfect prayer."
~Gotthold Ephraim Lessing~
"This is courage… to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends."
"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love."
~Mother Teresa~


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