~ So Sad ~
Sitting in the warmth of my hearth all aglow
Looking out the window at the fresh snow
I'm reminded of a homeless soul
That has no comforts and no place to go
No place to escape from the cold winter wind
Some may never see the sunrise again
They may depart this world tonight
Losing a battle they just could not fight
It's been many hours since they've had a meal
Their plates are so empty, nothing to fill
My heart is heavy at my minds dark vision
I think to myself, there's really no reason
Why anyone should be so hungry and cold
Some of them are young, not all of them are old
They've been dealt a bitter blow
By life, or someone they used to know
Or maybe they just never had a good start
 Started on a journey with a hopeless heart
Whatever the cause for their pitiful plight
Really doesn't matter, they need help tonight
Someone to reach out with a nice warm bed
And food enough until they've all been fed
Betty Hill ©2004

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