Storms Never Last~

We're living in a time like we've never seen before,
All the nation's on this earth, seem to be at war.

Peace has never been so far from us, as it is these days
Man walks on thru stormy skies and pays no mind to his ways

It feels like hearts are hardened more and more
Say, away with all your great solutions, they have never worked before

Their trust destroyed by evil men, who seek the hurt of all
But wait, alas, it's not too late, Jesus Christ has called

Take it all to Him, He always has a way,
to take us thru the battles to a brighter day.

I look into His tender eyes and see the answer there
Don't worry now dear children I your load will bear

I ask Him, 'Storms never last do they Savior?' He assures me, 'No'
I'm moving out the darkness now, so the light will show!


Betty Hill © 2006

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