~ Those Who Have Special Needs ~
On occasion God sends into our lives children
With a special need,
It matters not to the parents, or the grandparents,
They are a special breed.
We weren't promised that life would be fair,
God tests us every day,
For you see, in our weakness,
That's when we search for God
That's when we pray.
In your uniqueness you've touched many a heart,
Your smile alone speaks volumes, it's who you are,
When your time on earth is done,
And God comes to take you home,
He has waiting for you a crown and a shining star,
You'll never again feel alone.
The Apostle Paul, one of Gods chosen, had a special need,
He had a thorn in his side, "Please remove this thorn",
With God he did plead.
God, who loves us all,
Has personally handpicked you for a specific call,
Just like he handpicked his Son
And he handpicked the Apostle Paul,
Did you know that Paul wrote most
Of the books in the new testament?
Did you know he preached to save the lost?
Paul was always tested,
And did you know he carried a heavy cross?
Where would the world be without Paul,
Where would we be without his Son,
Where would we be if they hadn't received the call?
Paul, with much faith, and through prayer
Could always count on God,
Even when he felt the Almighty wasn't there.
We all have special needs in a different kinds of ways,
And just like Paul, who always gave God praise,
We too can find comfort when we pray.
We never know whose lives we may change with just a smile
And a gentle touch, you were sent here, from God,
with a purpose in mind,
Remember this:  Seek God always, he isn't difficult to find.

Janice Bumbalough Marler © 2004


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