~ What Was The Passion ~
What was it that kept my Jesus
Hanging there upon that tree,
Why did He shed His blood
And suffer death for me.
What made His loving heart explode
With anguish and raw pain,
He could have just turned away
Why did He choose to stay.
Though His eyes overflowed with tears
And His soul burned with grief,
Yet He remained
A promise to keep.
With nerves set as steel
As they hammered the nails,
He could scream as they pierced
But His love would not fail.
When His thoughts were attacked
By the mocking, the jeers,
He could prevail silently
And face every fear.
He endured the hatred, the rejection of God
To die all the more,
But in sacrificing everything
Why give of His all.
It was love He could see
As He lifted His eyes with joy to the skies,
To see me forgiven
And carried on high.
My sin held Him there
I was the why,
My Lord and My God
Is all I can cry.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2004 used with permission


Psalms 55:16
As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me.

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