~ You Are Never Truly Alone ~
If you think you have no one
And you think you're all alone
There is always someone right beside you
Someone who should be well known.
Our Lord, Our Father, cares for you
Don't lament and don't despair
For you are never truly alone
On bended knee, send up a prayer.
He will take you by the hand my dear
He will wipe away all your tears
He will shower you with his eternal love
There's no need for you to fear.
Seek and you shall always find
The glory of God above
A complete oneness of soul and mind
An encompassing love.
Loneliness is just a feeling
Brought on by not finding peace
Seek out our Lord and he will help
It's this fear you need to release.
Serenity and love is what you'll find
For his love he will bestow upon you
Always remember you're never alone
He will be there to see you through.
Don't doubt my words for I should know
I too thought I was all alone
But I seek his guidance and compassion
And his love was what I was shown.



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